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educational process
future primary school teacher
information society
cloud technologies
social networks

How to Cite

Kuchakovska H. А., “THE ROLE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS FOR THE ACTIVIZATION THE LEARNING PROCESS OF INFORMATICS FUTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS”, ITLT, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 136–149, Jun. 2015, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v47i3.1213.


The article analyzes the approaches of the use of social networks in learning processes of informatics; it has been described the didactical possibility of using social networks during the lecture and practical lessons; the results of the questionnaire of students of specialty "Primary education «about the use of social networks in learning activities and in daily life are presented; statistical analysis of the implementation of network services in the educational process is conducted. It is noted that their popularity among young people can open new ways of realization and methods of their use in the learning process of informatics.
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