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intensification of the learning process
functional approach
technologies of visualization
functions of visualization
learning process

How to Cite

L. I. Bilousova and N. V. Zhytyenyova, “FUNCTIONAL APPROACH TO THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY OF VISUALIZATION FOR INTENSIFICATION OF LEARNING PROCESS”, ITLT, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 38–49, Feb. 2017, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v57i1.1525.


Quality assurance of education in conditions substantial inflows of power of information flows comes up to limitations on the real possibilities of human perception, realize, assimilation large arrays of learning information. It actualizes the search of effective tools for intensification of the learning process. The article is devoted to publicizing matters relating of didactic functions of technology of visualization in the intensification of the learning process. It is shown that their application makes it possible to increase the information richness of learning process, reduce waste of time and energy of students on the perception and understanding of learning material, help sustaining high rate of learning, rational organization of educational and cognitive activity of students at different stages of the lesson.
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