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information and communication technologies
web sites
informational educational environment

How to Cite

O. P. Pinchuk and H. Y. Novoseletskyi, “SCHOOL WEBSITE AS A FACTOR OF DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOL INFORMATION EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT”, ITLT, vol. 33, no. 1, Mar. 2013, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v33i1.804.


The article analyses the current state of school openness and presents an experience of creating a school website as a mean to resolve the contradiction between the appearance of various forms of information and limited ways to use these forms in educational systems. Website is regarded as a component of a common information educational space in Ukraine and an important factor in its development as a tool to develop cooperation of all members of the educational process (students, teachers, psychologists, principals) and parents. The article considers the following elements as operative informing of parents open exchange of teaching experience and reporting monitoring results. Perspective course of research, among others, information security of school operation is defined.
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