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version control system
IT project
IT professionals
the development team

How to Cite

V. G. Grytsenko and O. M. Podolyan, “APPLICATION OF GIT-BRANCHING FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF TEAMWORK ON IT PROJECTS”, ITLT, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 250–263, Jan. 2014, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v39i1.943.


In the article the basics of version control systems using are investigated and searched the tools for their implementation. For this purpose, it was made the analysis and justified the choice of programming environment Git. The features of Git version control system using in the implementation of IT projects are identified, as well as described the procedure and the basic steps to create a working version of the project. The technology of interoperability team software project using Git version control system for collaboration is investigated, identified and proposed. By the example of the implementation of the author’s project of knowledge testing information-analytical system it was shown the practical side of organizing teamwork with the use of Git version control system.
PDF (Ukrainian)


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