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personal homepage
website builder uCoz
educational and methodical complex discipline
advanced learning technologies

How to Cite

L. A. Martyniuk, “PERSONAL TEACHER’S SITE AS A MEANS OF NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES”, ITLT, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 299–310, May 2014, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v41i3.1032.


The article deals with the possibility of working personal website created in uCoz Website Builder instructor and use it as a teaching complex subjects «Computer Science» and «Information and computer technology». The site materials are being used both teachers and students to prepare for lab work and lectures. Students have the opportunity to work with materials that are studied in the classroom, online, in the classroom as well as outside it. This approach to planning and school organization can effectively implement the curriculum to optimize learning management and provide quality training.
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