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distance learning
psychological competencies development
psychology of success
education of adults

How to Cite

Y. M. Ilina, “DISTANCE FORMAT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL COMPETENCIES DEVELOPMENT”, ITLT, vol. 8, no. 4, Aug. 2010, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v8i4.106.


The paper is focused on the conceptual model of the distance learning course (DLC) “Success” aimed at the development of psychological competencies. The course was developed on the basis of design technology method and intended for adults that are in need of psychological competencies development, i.e. inhabitants of villages, towns, people with special needs, university faculty, trainers and social workers, educators, who want to use DLC in the process of psychological competencies development that are the result in enhancement of life quality. The structure of the distance learning course “Success” and underlying principles is described.
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