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public structures
network interactions
cloud technology

How to Cite

O. V. Pastovenskyi, “THE DEVELOPMENT OF NETWORK INTERACTIONS BETWEEN PUBLIC AND STATE STRUCTURES IN SECONDARY EDUCATION MANAGEMENT”, ITLT, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 268–276, Jun. 2014, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v41i3.1083.


The developmental tendencies of secondary education management system are considered in the article. It was established, that an effective management of the educational systems can be attained on the basis of delegation of administrative functions from state to self-governmental, educational and public structures. The conclusion was made that the network interactions of the community management structures with vertical state structures being constructed from top to bottom, and the vertical of self-governing bodies being built from the bottom to the top, will provide the educational system with stability as well as the opportunities for effective development. It was emphasized, that modern cloud technology output network interactions of state, self-governmental, educational and public structures in the secondary education management to a new level.
PDF (Ukrainian)


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