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Modelowe wsparcie szkoły przez nauczyciela bibliotekarza i zasoby biblioteki szkolnej (Ukrainian)


informatisation of school libraries
informatisation peculiarities of school information multimedia centers
ICT competence of teachers-librarians

How to Cite

Z. O. Polianychko, “INFORMATISATION PECULIARITIES OF SCHOOL LIBRARIES IN REPUBLIC OF POLAND”, ITLT, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 13–21, Dec. 2014, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v44i6.1142.


The article deals with the formation and development stages of informatisation of school libraries in Poland, the development of their technical, human and financial support, active introduction of ICT in the educational process in the conditions of European integration. Main national Polish governmental programs and educational projects of European Structural Funds of computerization and informatisation of school libraries are outlined. Informatisation peculiarities of school information multimedia centers in Poland, such as creation of electronic platforms of open education, spread of media education in Polish schools by involving teachers-librarians are defined.
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