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information society
educational practice
class of problems
educational text
educational paradigm
paradigm of pedagogy as a science
crisis of education

How to Cite

Y. M. Bogachkov and J. A. Feldman, “PARADIGM OF EDUCATION FOR THE INFORMATION SOCIETY”, ITLT, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1–15, Oct. 2015, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v49i5.1277.


Considering total crisis in education in Informational Age, we suggest that to overcome the crisis, it is necessary to promote pedagogical science up from "pre-paradigm stage” to the "paradigm stage". For this purpose it is necessary to separate the "educational science" from "education." “Educational paradigm” in such study will be the subject of the science. The key concepts for the "pedagogical paradigm" should be the concepts of "educational practice", "class of problems" and "educational text". We offer some axioms around these concepts.
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