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pedagogical acmeology
acmeology teacher
ICT for implementation of peculiarities of acmeology teacher formation

How to Cite

O. Y. Usata, “INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ACMEOLOGY TEACHER FORMATION”, ITLT, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 206–216, Sep. 2016, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v54i4.1421.


The article considers the main aspects of acmeological approach implementation in the school educational activities; it analyzes scientific research of modern scholars on this topic; it gives peculiarities of development and self-fulfillment of own innovative creativity, self-education; it considers the peculiarities of self-improvement planning and outline of self-education and formulation of acmeology teacher self-presentation. According to the above-mentioned features there were analyzed, summarized and systematized the ICT which will promote professional and personal growth of a teacher.
PDF (Ukrainian)


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