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cloud infrastructure
hybrid cloud
network technology
enterprise cloud
cloud virtual lab
the Apache CloudStack

How to Cite

V. P. Oleksyuk, “DESIGNING OF UNIVERSITY CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE BASED ON APACHE CLOUDSTACK”, ITLT, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 153–164, Sep. 2016, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v54i4.1453.


This paper describes the problems of using cloud computing in education. In the article it has been investigated the concept of cloud infrastructure in higher educational institutions. The model of cloudy infrastructure is offered. The hybrid model is most recent for higher educational institution. Conceptual provisions (technical and methodical) of designing of cloud are formulated. Described experience of deployment corporate clouds on the basis of the Apache CloudStack platform. The diagram of the organization of physical components of cloudy infrastructure (a hypervisor, physical and virtual area networks, routers, the domain controller, the VPN server) is provided.
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