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intelligent information system
national qualifications framework
mathematical model
qualification levels

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V. V. Osadchyi, V. S. Yeremieiev, S. V. Sharov, K. P. Osadcha, and S. L. Koniukhov, “COMPARISON OF NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORKS BY MEANS OF WEB-ORIENTED INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEM”, ITLT, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 121–136, Dec. 2016, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v56i6.1493.


The introduction of the National qualifications framework in Ukraine is considered to be one of the obligatory factors of its entering the European space under conditions of the Bologna process and assuring academic mobility. The paper describes the structure and functional possibilities of web-oriented intelligent information system “Comparison of qualifications frameworks” which contains the database of national qualifications frameworks of other countries, enables users to compare the frameworks and to output data. It is noted that the developed information resource allows to carry out the comparison of different national frameworks supporting user awareness of education in different countries. The mathematical model of the intelligent information system which provides the realization of the quantitative comparative analysis of qualifications standards of European countries is also presented.
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