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cloud computing technologies
learning environment
higher education institution
the hybrid service model
electronic educational resources

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M. P. Shyshkina and U. P. Kohut, “THE USE OF THE CLOUD-BASED LEARNING COMPONENT WITH THE MAXIMA SYSTEM FOR TEACHING OPERATIONS RESEARCH”, ITLT, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 154–172, Feb. 2017, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v57i1.1550.


The article highlights the problem of the use of computer mathematics (SCM) in today's high-tech environment, in particular, it describes the promising ways of introducing the cloud-oriented components based on SCM, which is a significant factor in increasing access to them as a means of educational and research activities in the field of mathematics and computer science disciplines. The role of SCM in training of bachelors of computer science and especially their use in operations research learning is revealed. The main characteristics of SCM MAXIMA and ways of access to it both locally and in the cloud-oriented implementation are considered. The results of the expert evaluation of the cloud-based learning component with the use of MAXIMA system for operations research learning are presented.
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Mariya Shyshkina. The Hybrid Cloud-based Service Model of Learning Resources Access and its Evaluation [online] // Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer / Ed. by Sotiris Batsakis, Heinrich C. Mayr, Vitaliy Yakovyna. - CEUR Workshop Proceedings. - vol.1356. - 2015. - pp.295-310. – Available from: (in English).

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Shyshkina M. Emerging Technologies for Training of ICT-Skilled Educational Personnel / M. Shyshkina // Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications / V. Ermolayev, H. C. Mayr, M. Nikitchenko, A. Spivakovsky, G. Zholtkevych (Eds.). – Springer International Publishing, 2013. – Р. 274–284. (in English).

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