The article presents the e-learning support system’s construction for the university. It is provided the model of using the e-learning support system as a tool to increase ICT competence of employees of the distance education centres of universities. There are formulated main tasks that the e-learning support system should solve. It has been carried out analysis of the theory of knowledge, philosophy and psychology on the subject nature of human activity, the activity approach to the development of the person, didactic positions, the theory of the step-by-step formation of mental actions, didactic ideas of the problem approach to learning process. It was stated that one of the key problems of the informatization of society is a problem of a human interaction with various information systems. This problem is especially acute in education domain, where the role of the teacher as the most important source of knowledge was considered traditionally unconditional. The above mentioned challenges need to seek a new model of the educational process, to redefine the functions of its participants.References
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