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knowledge management
personalized learning
knowledge management tools

How to Cite

Y. B. Sikora, “THE USE OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT METHODS FOR E-LEARNING ORGANIZATION”, ITLT, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 162–174, Oct. 2017, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v61i5.1718.


Knowledge Management as a new branch of modern pedagogy, education management and economics education covers a wide range of issues of management theory and practice of educational psychology and economic theory. The development of knowledge management is closely linked to e-learning. E-learning tool is included in the device management knowledge, which is widely used in businesses and schools to spread knowledge. The article examines trends in knowledge management e-learning. The analysis of knowledge management models was the basis for determining of their adapted phases for e-learning. Technologies and knowledge management tools are considered in accordance with their belonging to one of the four processes of knowledge transformation. The principles (when creating a repository), methods and levels of knowledge management in e-learning are singled out.
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