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digital competence
digital literacy
digital culture

How to Cite

L. H. Havrilova and Y. V. Topolnik, “DIGITAL CULTURE, DIGITAL LITERACY, DIGITAL COMPETENCE AS THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL PHENOMENA”, ITLT, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 1–14, Oct. 2017, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v61i5.1744.


In the article the modern educational definitions – digital culture, digital literacy and digital competence – have been analyzed. Based on the study of scientific sources, state legal documents, the author proves that the above mentioned concepts go beyond the technological or digital branch. They cover a wide range of cultural, socio-humanitarian, communicative and other aspects. The phenomenon of digital culture is associated with the emergence of new specific information and virtual forms of culture, as well as new types of cultural communication. Digital literacy indicates the perfect use of electronic tools, the formation of abilities and skills to work with “digit”. Digital competence is more general concept, whose definition consists of relevant knowledge, skills, experience, values and attitudes that can be holistically implemented into the practice.
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