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APPENDIX_1 (Ukrainian)
APPENDIX_2 (Ukrainian)
APPENDIX_3 (Ukrainian)

Supplementary Files

Загальна статистика по техн. ВНЗ (Ukrainian)
Парна кореляція з динаміки забезпеченості КТ техн. ВНЗ (Ukrainian)
Кластерний аналіз динаміки забезпеченості КТ техн. ВНЗ (Ukrainian)


technical universities
computer engineering
time series
pair correlation

How to Cite

R. Y. Rizhniak, “THE ANALYSIS OF PROFESSIONAL COMPUTER EQUIPMENT IN THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITIES OF UKRAINE IN 1991-2011”, ITLT, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 46–57, Sep. 2017, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v60i4.1748.


The article (that is based on the economic-statistical analysis of time series, which characterize the dynamics of the computer technology acquisition of technical higher educational institutions of Ukraine) defines the basic laws of development of computer software provision of the technical universities of Ukraine in the economic conditions that were typical for our country during 1991-2011. The conclusions are formulated: on the dynamics of average indicators of the technical equipment the of technical universities with computer technology for 100 students, on the average indicators of the variations of such availability during the specified period and the indicators of variations for the individual institutions, on the detection of the presence of correlation between time series, describing the complete set of technical universities with computer technology, on the distribution of technical universities into clusters according to the revealed trends in computer security dynamics.
PDF (Ukrainian)
APPENDIX_1 (Ukrainian)
APPENDIX_2 (Ukrainian)
APPENDIX_3 (Ukrainian)


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