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дистанційне навчання
відкрита освіта
модель дистанційного навчання

How to Cite

V. I. Kovalchuk and I. P. Vorotnykova, “MODELS OF THE USE OF DISTANCE LEARNING ELEMENTS IN SCHOOL”, ITLT, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 58–76, Sep. 2017, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v60i4.1763.


The article presents three models of the use of elements of distance learning at school. All models partially or fully implement the training, interaction and collaboration of the participants in the educational process. The first model is determined by the use of open cloud services and Web 2.0 for the implementation of certain educational and managerial tasks of the school. The second model uses support for learning management and content creation. The introduction of the second model is possible with the development of the IT infrastructure of the school, the training of teachers for the use of distance learning technologies, the creation of electronic educational resources. The third model combines the use of Web 2.0 technologies and training and content management systems. Models of the use of elements of distance learning are presented of the results of regional research experimental work of schools.
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