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computer technologies
visual disturbance
inclusive educational space of higher school

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O. I. Hurenko, H. M. Alekseeva, H. O. Lopatina, and N. V. Kravchenko, “USE OF COMPUTER TYPHLOTECNOLOGIES AND TYPHLODEVICES IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONAL SPACE OF UNIVERSITY”, ITLT, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 61–75, Oct. 2017, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v61i5.1782.


The article presents the results of the study, focusing on using modern computer typhlotechnologies and typhlodevices in inclusive educational space of higher school, which has been carried out by lecturers of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University. It has been demonstrated that the University successfully implements inclusive education of students with visual disturbances. The fundamental principles of higher education accessibility with application of computer technologies for persons with visual disturbances have been substantiated. The study provides the characterization of modern computer typhlotechnologies and teaching typhlodevices, determines their didactic potential and methodology of their implementation in the context of inclusive education in a higher educational establishment. The necessity of revealing higher schools experience in the sphere of introduction computer technologies and special didactic methods into educational process of students with special needs is emphasized.
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