The article describes the activities of scientific and pedagogical staff on information technology (IT) in the modernization of the educational process in the context of health reform and the development of public health in Ukraine. The major challenges and obstacles facing the institutions of postgraduate training preventive medicine physicians have been analyzed. By surveying the trainees, the authors have investigated and summarized the needs of post-graduate students for the development of their IT skills in the workplace, methods for enhancing and supporting their motivation, their vision of how their educational institution is committed to meeting their expectations. The article considers the implementation of smart technologies from the standpoint of a practically oriented approach to modernizing of the post-graduate training. The possibilities of smart-technologies to raise cognitive activity, develop communication skills (trainee-trainee, trainee-educator), distribute individual vitagenic and professional experience in the course of training, as well as their role in adapting the training to the needs of a particular audience have been analyzed. The use of the most effective smart-technologies in each of the main stages of the pedagogical process (updating of knowledge and understanding, application of knowledge, analysis, synthesis and evaluation) has been shown. The authors have presented the algorithm for information and analytical competence development in preventive medicine physicians, including smart-technologies application, in terms of performing by pedagogical staff’s different professional roles as a manager, a change agent, a coach etc. It has been proved that one of strategic tasks of postgraduate training of preventive medicine physicians is systemic and complex implementation of smart-technologies into educational process with a perspective informatization of educational environment.References
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