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computer testing
testing system OpenTEST 2
knowledge control

How to Cite

M. A. Kyrylov, T. M. Trofimuk-Kyrylova, and S. V. Chybyrak, “COMPUTER TESTING IN THE SYSTEM OPENTEST 2 AS A FORM OF ASSESSMENT OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF STUDENTS SPECIALTY ‘INFORMATION, LIBRARY AND ARCHIVAL CASE’”, ITLT, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 138–151, Apr. 2018, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v64i2.1901.


This article deals with modern approaches to the interpretation of definitions of ‘test’ and ‘testing’. The methodical aspects of tests’ making questions for modern testing systems are considered and the requirements for their compilation are described. Various types of test tasks are given, which are used in the educational process for conducting current and final control of knowledge and skills of the students of specialty “Information, library and archival case”. An example of the possibilities of the OpenTEST 2 system for analyzing test tasks is given in this article. The dynamics of students’ progress from the academic discipline of special training ‘Information systems, banks and databases’ is shown during the conduct of modular control in the form of computer testing. The results of the student survey on the advantages and disadvantages of computer testing are analyzed.
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