The retrospective analysis of computer science teaching proves that the rapid development of information and communication technologies changes the social demand of the society for the level of computer competence of its members. The expansion of the spectrum of digital technologies affects the necessity to form the corresponding competences of a modern person. The educational reform in Ukraine regulates qualitative changes at every level of education. Updating the curricula on informatics for primary school requires the revision of educational programs for the preparing a primary school teacher, in particular according to the formation of his methodological and informational competence. The analysis of the curricula of higher education in Ukraine has shown the outdated content of the disciplines, which are basic for the formation of the phenomenon under the study. The solution of the problem is seen by the authors in the transformation of the methodological system, the purpose of which is determined through the realization of the tasks of the informatics education. The article substantiates the necessity to harmonize the conceptual content of the educational program of the primary school teacher and the contents of the curriculum on informatics for primary school, modernization of the means, methods and forms of teaching. Such qualitative changes also affect the list of the expected results, which are required for the level of the teacher’s methodological and informational competence formation. The authors identify the components of the studied phenomenon (motivational, cognitive, activity, vocational and pedagogical), as well as the main factors that have a qualitative influence on its formation (personification, "learning based on mastery", personal responsibility for learning outcomes, collective-distribution environment). The article describes the mechanism of the functioning of the methodical system through the implementation of mixed teaching, the development of manuals on informatics and methods of teaching informatics at primary school, the content of which is supplemented and updated depending on the requirements to the level of formation of methodological and informational competence of a teacher.References
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