The article considers the system of views on using information and communication technologies in the institutions of higher education. The concept of “interactive learning” has been defined. The ways of increasing the accessibility of higher education for students with limited abilities have been described. This issue can be solved by using interactive tools as the key to the successful training of such students is the optimization of teaching material in the most receptive form. The main features of various e-learning services which are used in the students’ learning process have been described: Blackboard, Prometeus, ATutor, Moodle, Cisco WebEx Meeting Center. The experience of the Canadian on-line Fredericton University’s researchers on the use of the WebEx service in the educational process of their university have been analyzed. The main advantages and objectives of the Cisco WebEx Meeting Center service have been described. It has been noted that due to multimedia and feedback, WebEx service provides the presence of distance learners in the training audience. It offers technologies for the accurate transmission of audio and video, data exchange and individual session for group and individual learning, which simplify the learning process. The usefulness of WebEx for students with limited abilities has been considered. Organizing and conducting of interactive class sessions for students with limited abilities using the Cisco WebEx Meeting Center service has been presented. WebEx service video broadcasting and sound transmission during interactive class sessions have been described.References
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