The publication provides a thorough analysis of the main tendencies that prevail in the software market for implementing effective information and pedagogical management in modern higher education institutions. The article presents a brief retrospective of the formation and development of automated control systems. The monitoring of existing electronic products aimed at enhancing the quality of the educational management in higher school, developed by Ukrainian-based commercial IT-companies and research institutions, has been done. The peculiarities of development of automated control systems of educational process have been determined by distinguishing their advantages and disadvantages depending on the level of their development. The article describes the functionality of one of the most popular integrated automated information-analytical Web-oriented educational management systems of higher education institutions developed by the "Politek-SOFT" private company and implemented in the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University. The article contains statistical data on the number of educational institutions in Ukraine that have implemented and actively used the software of the specified IT company. The publication identifies the specific advantages of a comprehensive information and analytical system "Dean's Office" which consists of: the full and comprehensive automation of planning and accounting of educational process, full information interoperability with other software products of PE "Politek-SOFT", convenient report designer and interface, possibilities of adaptation and full-fledged functioning in any operating system. In addition, it saves money and human resources and is applicable to educational institutions of any level of accreditation. The authors provide some information on the methodical guidance on the use of a comprehensive information and analytical system "Dean's Office" and focus on the functioning of some of its working modules. The article outlines the direction of further research with the emphasis on the main principles of the functioning of other well-known automated informational and analytical systems of educational management that have been implemented at the national higher educational institutions.References
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