The study of the principles of action and technical objects design at high levels of abstraction presents considerable difficulties for engineering students and, as a result, reduces their motivation for learning. Drawings, diagrams, general types of technical objects, that are crucial to gaining understanding of how complex mechanisms operate, can be easily converted into digital format. However, their use to increase the motivation of students for learning is hampered by insufficient theoretical groundwork and limited experience in the introduction of animated graphic materials. The analysis of publications on the subject of the article confirms that the use of information and communication technologies can improve the quality of teaching in higher education institutions, including by enhancing students' motivation for learning. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of animation on the correlation between internal and external motives in the course of educational activity of students majoring in engineering. The article describes the framework developed by the authors for creating animation of a technical object model and its perception by the students in the context of increasing motivation. Three levels of animation (low, medium and high) are classified according to the degree of realism of the designed models of technical objects. The findings reveal that the control of animation at each level of realism makes it possible to transform it into a game situation and enhance the practical skills of managing the object. The authors have carried out a comparative analysis of the influence of animation on the motivation of students of engineering majors. The experimental testing has identified a statistically significant change in the ratio between internal and external motives, determined the level of motives associated with acquiring knowledge and skills, gaining engineering qualifications and formally obtaining a degree after graduating from a higher education institution.References
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