The article examines the importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) for training the staff for information-analytical and political spheres, which is due to the ever-increasing use of information and knowledge in these fields. The topicality of the research is connected with the fact that the intensive development of information and academic knowledge has become the tendency of the information society of the XXI century. The combination of systemic and structural methods as well as network and institutional approaches has laid the methodological basis of the study. The aim of the scientific research is to investigate the importance of information and communication technologies for training of specialists in information and analytical as well as political spheres. The certain tasks are set and solved according to the aim of the investigation, namely: information and knowledge as the most important resources and capital of the country’s development in various spheres of society are considered; ICT as a factor of the state political and socio-economic development in the context of globalization process is defined; the interconnection between the growth of the Internet users and the need of preparing the society for the new conditions of learning and work is analyzed; the influence of the new ICT on the formation of new elites such as netocracy and infocracy is characterized; the influence of information and digital gap on the modern educational market and the need for training new staff for the analytical sector, journalism, political sphere, etc. is researched; the conditions of improving the level and quality of knowledge of the specialists training of these industries are determined and the contribution to the democratization of the country is proved. The threats and problems of the ICT development in the political, information and analytical spheres are also identified, namely: the problem of providing access to the Internet to certain categories of citizens (vulnerable groups of the population); the problem of computer illiteracy of the population; the threat of privately distributing information flows, seizing information and communication resources of the country; insufficient level of competences and skills resulting from information inequality (or information / digital divide), etc. It is emphasized that the share of industries that provide the creation, transmission, processing and use of information is growing rapidly; therefore, the topic of training for the information and political spheres is relevant and prospective.References
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