Criteria and corresponding indicators for simulation games selection used to develop professional soft competencies of the future software engineers are represented in the article. Professional competences division into hard and soft ones is specified. Such concepts as “professional soft competence” and “game stimulators” are clarified. Five most suitable gaming simulators from the 14 proposed simulation games used to form professional soft competencies of future software engineers have been identified by expert assessment (peer review). It is stated that 20 experienced professionals in different fields and directly relevant to the professional training of future software engineers were involved in the peer review. The didactic, functional and technological selection criteria for games simulation used for developing professional soft competencies of future software engineers are defined. Indicators for each of these criteria are described as well. The didactic criterion includes the indicators as follows: relevance to the topics and competencies; realism; interaction with other roles; possibility of analyzing results and errors; adaptable to complexity level; support for various software development scenarios and methodologies. The functional criterion consists of the following indicators: interface usability; exciting game-play; free of charge; multiplayer; option to play with an artificial intelligence; multilingualism. The technological criterion comprises the following indicators: cross-platform play; easy to configure; compatible with mobile devices. Based on the defined criteria and indicators, detailed comparison of the selected simulation games is rendered. SimSE, GameDevTycoon, Software Inc. are determined as the most suitable, convenient and effective simulation games for developing professional soft competencies of future software engineers in accordance with defined criteria and indicators.References
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