The problem of forming the competence of a specialist in social work has always been a complex issue that needs to be addressed as rapidly as possible. At present there is a growing demand for specialists in the social sphere, characterized by a clearly defined professional focus, high intellectual level, creativity, the ability to constant development and improvement, analyze the problems of vulnerable population groups, plan the work of both social workers and the social service in general, dedication to human, national ideas etc. The provision of quality education for prospective specialists in social work in Ukraine requires the revision of methods and forms, principles and approaches to their training. The article justifies the necessity of using the information and communication technologies in the educational process, as modern social workers should have a competitive advantage in the labor market, be able to respond efficiently to the problems in the human-human system relying on their own ability to communicate and cooperate with various categories of population, and at the same time striving to achieve a holistic development of one's own personality and professional activity, acquire competences, skills, professionalism. Nowadays the human person, with their essential nature and subjectivity is the highest objective of society. The introduction of information and communication technologies into the training promotes the development of professional competences of the future social workers and is an arms-length process of education development. Prospective trends of using information and communication technologies are determined as following: they can be both the object of study and the means of instructions. The results of a survey among specialists in social work on obtaining practical-oriented knowledge and skills have been presented.References
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