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educational foreign informatively-communicative environment
future teachers-philologists
multimedia educational presentations
stages of learning

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The article offers the theoretical ground of algorithm creation and realization of the professionally directed educational foreign informatively-communicative environment for future teachers-philologists. The central place of the professionally directed educational foreign informatively-communicative environment belongs to multimedia educational presentations, the maintenance of which is the selection of educational material in accordance with the requirements of Program and predefined by the modern trends in organization the professional foreign future teachers-philologists teaching such as competent, learner centred and communicative approaches. Actuality of work is predefined by the search of new ways of creation the professionally directed educational informati-vely-communicative environment for future teachers-philologists, by the requirement of multimedia educational presentations introduction into the educational process (course "English for professional aspiration” after speciality "Education"). The introduction of multimedia educational presentations of various types such as visual, presentations-topics, with lexical and grammatical dominants, combined etc. on relevant stages of the lesson (stimuli-motivational, presentational, lingua-cognitive, creative-situational, analytical-assessing) combined with traditional means of teaching helps to develop future teachers-philologists’ cognitive abilities, forms the skills to find the ways of educational problems solving due to adding various forms of communicative activities. It is experimentally proved that constructing of the professionally directed educational foreign informatively-communicative environment with multimedia educational presentations stimulates personal and professional development raises the interest to the future profession. The implementation of the multimedia educational presentations should be maintained regarding methodological requirements and depend on the teacher’s readiness and his professional skills to combine the presentations with traditional means to reach the goals the future teachers-philologists professional foreign language preparation.
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