The article highlights the issues related with the creation of "Smart" cabinet of physics based on microelectronics at a technical college. In fact, the "Smart" cabinet of physics is a creative space created by the students and tutors of the educational institution. Such "Smart" cabinet of physics is a "smart" educational environment that is fully automated and can be operated in three modes: "standard", "automatic", "automatic energy saving". The control of the cabinet devices is realized from a smartphone, PC and remote control. The cabinet is equipped with variety of sensors, indicators, electronic components based on Arduino UNO, MEGA, WiFi module ESP8266-12E.The indexes taken from the built-in sensors and indicators of the "Smart" cabinet are used for supplying information about the microclimate of the cabinet, for demonstrations at lectures and laboratory works in physics. The developed "Smart" cabinet of physics consists of three modules: "informational", "executive" and "demonstrational". The microcontroller ATMEL controls each module. The informational module is located in the stand "Physical basics of robotics", and the demonstrational module can be removed and used for demonstrations from the following sections: mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, optics. Various sensors and components of the open-source programming platform Arduino conveniently and quickly connect to the demonstrational module (with the help of a flexible mounting board). Sensors of the "Smart" cabinet of physics give an opportunity to monitor the environment of the cabinet and outside it (temperature, humidity, pressure, illumination, level of carbon dioxide and other gases in the air),as well as to realize remote control of peripheral devices: TV, projector, lamps, sockets, curtains. All three modules connect to the wireless local area network by the topology of the "star" by means of radio communication based on the corresponding modules. The main module in it is the executive one, which has access to the INTERNET. The acquirement of the instrumental, technical, and software tools should become the main part of the system of training in a technical educational institution. The research deals with the issue of creating "Smart" cabinet of physics in a technical college.References
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