The article considers the issue of educational computer program development: the stages, blocks, aspects and peculiarities. The definition of an educational computer program as a means of information and communication technologies, created for the development of skills and abilities related to foreign language competence is given taking into account the psycholinguistic patterns of reading a text, methodical approach to teaching reading fiction via information and communication technologies . It was distinguished that educational computer program as a software for educational purposes can be offered as a system consisting of two main components: informational and software implementation. The development of educational computer programs suitable for educational institutions involves continuous interaction between the author of educational materials and the programmer. The process of creating a qualitative educational computer programme consists of certain stages: preparation of source materials; development of the programme structure of educational computer program; creation of a software product; aligning and adjustment; implementation of educational computer program; testing software product; educational computer program updating and error correction. The article describes the created educational program "English for Philologists: aspect of reading" that meets the criteria of correspondence and the criteria for evaluating computer programs for teaching foreign languages taking into account the peculiarities of digital text. The experimental introduction of the computer program «English for Philologists: aspect of reading», comparison of the average indicators of pre- and post-experimental sections in experimental groups and the growth by12% have showed that the training for future teachers of English language reading fiction via the educational computer programme «English for Philologists: aspect of reading» has proved to be effective: all the groups have reached the required level of reading comprehension.References
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