Genesis and modern content of the concept «blended learning» in the foreign pedagogical theory are grounded in the article based on modern approaches. The components (traditional full-time education, distance learning (independent and collaborative) and e-learning (synchronous and asynchronous) education) are distinguished. The levels (activity, course, educational programme, university) of practical realization of the blended learning in educational practice are defined. It was determined, that the concept evolved from understanding blended learning as combination of traditional education elements, distance and e-learning with facilities of information and communication technologies to its awareness as synergetic concept of enriching educational experience of educational process subjects. It is realized by means of integration of different strategies and levels of direct and computer-mediated pedagogical cooperation. Conceptual principles of blended learning are distinguished based on generalization and systematization of foreign researchers’ scientific works. First, it can be realized only within the frames of the formal educational programme. Second, it is done under teacher’s control in conditions when one part of educational cooperation takes place in the training room in the process of direct communication (face-to-face); the other part is realized in the mediated virtual environment. It can be individual or group work in the training room, or independent distant work with educational materials, for example, at home; in its turn, it creates possibility for the students of determining time, place, way and/or their pace of learning. Third, such educational cooperation results in forming student’s individual cognitive experience where components of traditional and interactive online-education supplement each other, and are characterized by differentiated, integrative, open, accessible, flexible and adaptive models of physical and virtual interaction.References
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C. J. Bonk, C. R. Graham, The handbook of blended learning environments: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass/Pfeiffer, 2012.
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C. J. Bonk, C. R. Graham, The handbook of blended learning environments: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass/Pfeiffer. 2006.
C. J. Bonk, C. R. Graham, The handbook of blended learning environments: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass/Pfeiffer, 2012.
M. Verkroost, L. Meijerink, H. Linsten, W. Veen, «Finding a Balance in Dimensions of Blended Learning». International Journal on E-Learning Academic Research Library , vol. 7 (3), рр. 499–522, 2008.
M. Horn, H. Staker. Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2015.
"Classifying K–12 Blended Learning", By Heather Staker and Michael B. orn. Retrieved from: https://www.christenseninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/ Classifying-K-12-blended-learning.pdf.
M. Horn, H. Staker. Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2015.
C. J. Bonk, C. R. Graham, The handbook of blended learning environments: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass/Pfeiffer, 2012.
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J. E. Rooney, «Blending learning opportunities to enhance educational programming and meetings». Association Management, vol. 55(5), рр. 26–32, 2003 (in English).
Blended Learning . Wikipedia [Online]. Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blended_learning (in English)
J. Reay, «Blended learning –a fusion for the future». Knowledge Management Review, vol. 4(3). р.6, 2001 (in English).
I. Thomson, Thomson job impact study: The next generation of corporate learning., Available: http://www.netg.com/DemosAndDownloads/Downloads/ JobImpact.pdf. Retrieved July 7, 2003 (in English).
J. E. Rooney, Blending learning opportunities to enhance educational programming and meetings. Association Management, vol. 55(5), рр. 26–32, 2003 (in English).
J. R. Young. «Hybrid» teaching seeks to end the divide between traditional and online instruction». Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 48(28), рр. A33-34, 2002 (in English).
C. J. Bonk, C. R. Graham, The handbook of blended learning environments: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass/Pfeiffer. 2006 (in English).
C. J. Bonk, C. R. Graham, The handbook of blended learning environments: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass/Pfeiffer, 2012 (in English).
M. Horn, H. Staker, Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2015 (in English).
Classifying K–12 Blended Learning . By Heather Staker and Michael B. Horn. Available: https://www.christenseninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/ Classifying-K-12-blended-learning.pdf (in English).
The Node Learning Technologies Network. The Node's Guide to Blended Learning: Getting the Most out of Your Classroom and the Internet. Available: http://thenode.org/guides/blended/blended.pdf. Retrieved Sept 21, 2005 (in English).
Mix / Ukrainian Dictionary. Ukrainian explanatory dictionary (1970 – 1980) [Online]. Available: http://sum.in.ua/s/zmishuvaty (in Ukrainian).
H. W. Fowler, F.G. Fowler, E. Allen Robert, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. Print book : English : 8th ed. Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1990 (in English).
J. Lamb, «Blended Learning Is the New Buzz Phrase». Originally from The Financial Times. [Online]. Available: http://specials.ft.com/ftit/june2001/ FT3M0640JNC.html. Retrieved 2001 (in English).
C. R. Graham, S. Allen, D. Ure, (in press). Benefits and challenges of blended learning environments. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology I-V. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Inc (in English).
J. M. Smith, Ph.D. «Blended Learning: An Old Friend Gets a New Name». Executive Update.[Online]. Available: http://www.gwsae.org/Executiveupdate/2001/March/blended.htm. Retrieved Sept 25, 2005 (in English).
M. Driscoll, «Blended learning»: Let’s get beyond the hype. e-learning. [Online]. Available: http://www.ltimagazine.com/ltimagazine/article/ articleDetail.jsp?id=11755. Retrieved March 1, 2001, (in English).
G. Harriman, «What is Blended Learning?» E-Learning Resources. [Online]. Available: http://www.grayharriman.com/blended_learning.htm. Retrieved Sept 25, 2005 (in English).
R. Voos, «Blended Learning: What it is and Where it Might Take Us?» Sloan-C View, vol. 2(1), рр. 2–5. [Online]. Available: http://www.aln.org/publications/view/v2n1/blended1.htm.Retrieved Oct 5, 2005. (in English).
D. Slater, Social relationships and identity online and offline. Lievrouw, Leah and Livingstone, Sonia, (eds.) Handbook of New Media: Social Shaping and Consequences of Icts. Sage Publications, London, UK, pp. 533-546, 2003 (in English).
R. Garrison, H. Kanuka, «Blended learning Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education». The Internet and Higher Education, vol. 7, р. 95–105. doi10.1016/j.iheduc.2004.02.001, 2004 (in English).
E-Learning Centre. (1994-2005). «Library: Blended Learning». [Online]. Available: http://www.e-learningcentre.co.uk/eclipse/Resources/blended.htm. Retrieved Oct 5, 2005 (in English).
C. J. Bonk, C. R. Graham, The handbook of blended learning environments: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass/Pfeiffer. 2006 (in English).
C. J. Bonk, C. R. Graham, The handbook of blended learning environments: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass/Pfeiffer, 2012 (in English).
M. Verkroost, L. Meijerink, H. Linsten, W. Veen, «Finding a Balance in Dimensions of Blended Learning». International Journal on E-Learning Academic Research Library , vol. 7 (3), рр. 499–522, 2008 (in English).
M. Horn, H. Staker. Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2015 (in English).
Classifying K–12 Blended Learning .By Heather Staker and Michael B. Horn. Available: https://www.christenseninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Classifying-K-12-blended-learning.pdf (in English).
M. Horn, H. Staker. Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2015 (in English).
C. J. Bonk, C. R. Graham, The handbook of blended learning environments: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass/Pfeiffer, 2012 (in English).
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