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quality of education
vocational pedagogical training
electronic linguomethods
primary school teacher
preparedness to use means of electronic linguomethods

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The issue of measuring the quality of higher pedagogical education is considered in the article, in particular in the process of training the future primary school teachers. The author studies the structure of the future teachers’ preparedness to use the means of electronic linguomethods in their professional activities through the system of the components of this personal phenomenon, the criteria for revealing each of them, the indicators for their being measured and the levels of their being formed. The theoretical investigation has shown that the structure of the professional growth of future pedagogues is mostly considered in the unity of the motivational, cognitive, operational and evaluating components. Defining and characterising these components in the structure of the preparedness of future primary school teacher to use the means of electronic linguomethods in the professional activities has given the author the opportunity to find out the overall component-level structure of this personal-professional formation, which helps to comprehensively measure the quality of its development in the primary school teachers education. As a result, this structure illustrates the interconnection and subordination of the components of preparedness (motivational-valuable, cognitive, operational-activity, projective); the criteria of their measurement (directedness and aspiration, knowledge, skills and abilities), the indicators of each criterion (professional-personal, acmeological, linguomethodic aspiration and others; theoretical and methodological, linguomethodic, projective-methodical and other knowledge; methodical, motivational and other skills and abilities); the levels of mastery of future primary education specialists preparedness to use the means of electronic linguomethods in their professional activities: intuitive-receptive, reproductive, productive, research-creative. Characterising the level of preparedness of future primary school teachers to use the means of electronic linguomethods in their professional activities as stages of developing the skills of work with the means of electronic linguomethods, the author also tracks the individual regularities of transition from one level to another during studying at the institution of higher education.
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