Appendix (Ukrainian)
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teacher portfolio
electronic portfolio
«can-do» descriptors
Google services
structure of electronic portfolio
professional development
foreign language education

How to Cite

A. K. Kulichenko, T. V. Sotnik, and K. V. Stadnychenko, “ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO AS A TECHNIQUE OF DEVELOPING CREATIVITY OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER”, ITLT, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 286–304, Sep. 2018, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v66i4.2178.


The development of education is inextricably linked with high paced technological progress and its multitude of products. Such advancement requires foreign language teachers to not only learn about and utilize such new technological products in their classrooms, but also to discover creative ways they can be applied in enhancing their personal career development. As a result, during the last decade (2008  2018) the number of electronic portfolios on the Internet has increased significantly. They include materials for the educational process and teacher achievements by means of PowerPoint presentations, Wiki-pages, blogs, and sites. Thus, the purpose of this article is to cover the basics of constructing a professional electronic portfolio as a technique of developing creativity of a foreign language teacher aimed to maximize professional skills; meeting professional needs; deepening; expanding and updating corresponding general and specialized knowledge. To facilitate the presentation of the example the article briefly introduces the concepts of «teacher portfolio», «electronic portfolio», «creativity», as they relate to the process of creating an electronic portfolio. The research also presents and describes an electronic portfolio structure taking into account the «can-do» descriptors, which characterize knowledge and skills (e.g., creativity) that a foreign language teacher should demonstrate and develop. Besides, there is a recommendation to use such Google services as Google Drive, YouTube, Google Photos, Google Maps, Google Calendar, Google Play, Google Hangouts, Google Classroom, Blogger, and Google Sites for creating an electronic portfolio. The authors offer an example of the electronic portfolio that consists of three main parts: «Personal Statement», «Self-Assessment», and «Dossier». The «can-do» descriptors are divided into seven categories there: «Context», «Methodology», «Resources», «Lesson Planning», «Conducting a Lesson», «Independent Learning», and «Assessment of Learning».
Appendix (Ukrainian)
PDF (Ukrainian)


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D. Newby, R. Allan, A. Fenner, B. Jones, H. Komorowska, and K. Soghikyan, European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages: A reflection tool for language teacher education. Graz, Austria: European Centre for Modern Languages. Council of Europe, 2007. [Online]. Available: http://www.ecml.at/epostl. Accessed on: January 16, 2018. (in English)

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E. Spencer, B. Lucas, and G. Claxton, Progression in Creativity: Developing new forms of assessment. Final research report. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: CCE, 2012. (in English)

C. Redmond, The Creativity Wheel. Assessing Creative Development. Teacher resource. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: CCE, 2004. (in English)

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