One of the priority directions of modernization of the system of teaching staff training in Ukraine is the introduction of modern information and communication technologies into the educational process. This encourages research and pedagogical staff to use the learning tools that helps to present educational material in an interesting and accessible form. One of the tools is electronic learning quest-manual. The electronic educational quest-manual is called an electronic publication, which promotes the intensification of the learning process, the development of students’ creative thinking, formation of their skills to work in the information and communication environment, etc. The article describes the interface and structure of the electronic manual «Matrixes and operations on matrices», built with the use of gaming technologies, elements of educational material and hyperlinks visualization. The structural blocks of the quest-manual are subdivided into the blocks with theoretical material and assessment blocks.The quest manual is developed in accordance with the methods of teaching: consciousness and activity, visual impact, systematic method, method of consistency, scientific and method of accessibility. The content of this pedagogical software tool corresponds to the curriculum and work program for linear algebra for students of the specialty 014.04 Secondary education. Mathematics. It deals with the topic «Concepts and types of matrices», «Properties and operations on matrices». It is established that electronic quests-manuals should be used for students’ independent work and in practical classes. The introduction of this software in the learning process provides access to training for all categories of students, the ability to study at any pace, at any time, accelerate the memory of learning material, save time, etc. It is shown that the introduction of electronic manuals in the process of preparing future mathematics teachers contributes to raising the interest and students’ motivation for studying, developing their information culture and forming readiness for future pedagogical activity, individualization and intensification of the educational process. The article presents the students' feedback on the use of electronic learning tools, in particular quest-guides.References
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