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mental maps
educational process
high school

How to Cite

O. G. Romanovskyi, V. M. Grineva, and O. O. Rezvan, “MENTAL MAPS AS AN INNOVATIVE WAY OF THE INFORMATION ORGANIZATION WITHIN THE HIGHER EDUCATION PROCESS”, ITLT, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 185–196, Apr. 2018, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v64i2.2187.


The article is devoted to the problem of the mental maps use as the innovative way of the information organization within the higher education process. The analysis of scientific approaches to the theory of radial thinking and the experience of mental maps use in planning, evaluation and educational process has been presented. The effectiveness of mindmapping in the process of students’ listening and note-taking lectures has been proved; the analysis and the lecture information supplementation within the framework of independent individual and collective work involving the cloud services use has been substantiated. An alternative to the manual and programmatic mindmapping use including the Freemind program has been determined. The conclusion related to the fact that the use of mental maps is able to shorten the students’ time for note-taking as well as to improve the information memorization and to provide this information with the personal significance and individual systemicity has been drawn.
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