In the article a thorough analysis of the conducted researches on the implementation of information and web-technologies in educational projects has been conducted. It allowed to form the problems of the formation of a safe-oriented culture and to form the relevance of conducting research on the implementation of an educational project for the creation of a virtual situational centre. The profiling of project mission of "Virtual situational centre for the formation of a security-oriented culture" which defines the main vectors of the project's development was formulated and described. For creation of virtual situational centre online platform for the development of a security-oriented culture, the Moodle system has been used. The use of this system, distributed under the GPL license and verified by international practice, is a significant advantage of using the virtual situational centre for formation of a security-oriented culture, in addition to provide efficient access to electronic teaching materials at a user-friendly time. The main criteria of educational projects functioning effectiveness are determined, which allow to substantiate the configuration of educational projects in the system of vocational education. The communicational model of project management of a virtual situational centre implementation, which describes the dependencies of creating a virtual situational centre and the functioning of its components, has been formed. The influence of the project environment on the project of a virtual situational centre creating and the consequences of its influence on the success of the centre’s implementation was explored. Practical results from the implementation of the educational project of the virtual situational centre are described and the didactic possibilities of using the online platform of the centre are presented. There are formed the additions to the terminology database of management the projects, programs and portfolios of projects by introducing new definitions. The result of the study is the implementation of an Internet platform with educational projects for specialists in the civil protection service, which will form a safe-oriented culture and promote the implementation of cross-border projects for the integration of the civil protection system of Ukraine into European security structures to ensure the safety of the vital activities of the population and territories.References
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