The urgency of developing approaches to the integration of the market of educational services with the labor market through the transition from qualification models to full-fledged competence ones on base of implementation of the "passport of acquired competences" that accompanies a person throughout his/her personality development and professional career is substantiated. Theoretical researches in the field of processing of information about acquired qualifications and competencies as well as tools that are built on their basis are analyzed. The ESCO classifier which unites the labor markets of various EU member states, allows job seekers and employers to operate more effectively with information of result of learning. The main limitations of existing approaches are identified; ways of solving these problems by means of information processing at the semantic level are suggested. Modern information technologies focused on processing distributed heterogeneous Web resources are considered, and the most suitable ones for solving this problem are identified. The principles of developing the information system UkrESCO, which is designed for semantic processing of information resources about acquired qualifications and competencies based on the model of the multilingual skills classifier, competencies, qualifications and occupations of ESCO, relevant for the European market of work, education and vocational training, are theoretically grounded. This system is based on Semantic Web technologies and solutions, namely software agents, Web services and ontologies. The generalized architecture of UkrESCO system and its ontological model are proposed. The scheme of the UkrESCO interaction with external retrieval systems and structured information resources which are based on Wiki-technology is proposed. This scheme provides access to the knowledge of the subject domain and the update of information about the subjects of the labour market. Use of the UkrESCO ontology allows to perform a semantic retrieval on the Web and find both natural language information resources with certain properties as well as ensure the interaction of the UkrESCO with semantically marked resources.References
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J.V. Rogushina “The Use of Ontological Knowledge for Semantic Search of Complex Information Objects”, Open semantic technologies for intelligent systems, p.127-132, 2017. (in English)
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