In the context of reforming education in Ukraine, electronic systems for managing the learning process and web resources of educational disciplines as components of these systems are widely introduced into the educational process. The need to improve the quality of education and the effectiveness of monitoring the knowledge of applicants for higher education have led to an increase of interest in automated knowledge assessment. Laboratory classes play a leading role in developing skills and application of the acquired knowledge. The effectiveness of using computer technology in laboratory classes depends on the qualitative methodology for conducting them through the academic discipline web resource tools and the automated evaluation of learners’ knowledge and acquired skills. The paper justifies the relevance of automated assessment of students’ knowledge and skills for higher education, describes the methodology for conducting laboratory classes using the web resource tools of the academic discipline and the technology of automated knowledge and skills assessment based on the results of students’ laboratory assignments. The key idea of the proposed methodology is phased approach to the laboratory work implementation inside and outside the classroom through the academic discipline web resource tools, which includes the preparation manual and automatic access to the laboratory work, implementation and defence of laboratory work with the automated assessment of the corresponding reports. The technology of automated laboratory work assessment is understood as a technology of quality assessment in higher education. To determine whether the answer is correct the relevant algorithms have been incorporated into the web resources of the training course.References
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