The article reveals the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the foreign languages training of the European Union countries border guards, such as: implementation of the student-centered approach; development of the communicative component of foreign languages training of border guards using ICT; introduction of mobile learning (using of mobile gadgets); the use of augmented, virtual and mixed reality technology. An overview of the possibilities of using augmented, virtual and mixed reality technologies based on the developed by FRONTEX Agency learning tools: An Electronic Training Course (ETC) "English for Personnel of the border crossing points"; ETC on the basis of mobile learning technology (m-learning), English for self-study of EU countries border guards - "English for border guards"; ETC "Training of marine safety specialists on board of a ship" using VR technology; training course on interviewing irregular migrants based on VR technology; interactive program for the first line officers on Schengen law. The content, structure and objectives of the electronic course "Communicative English for Border Guards’ professional use" based on the Virtual Aula web platform has been considered in detail. The training course is an example of an innovative, communicative educational tool for English learning, it is a student-centered, professionally-oriented one and contributes to the development of the professional foreign language competence of the personnel of the border guard authorities. The experience of developing an ETCs for the professional training needs of the border guards in the EU countries provides an opportunity for the specialists in the field of border guards training and education to develop professionally-oriented ETCs according to present-day requirements and common border guard educational standards. Summarizing the responses from the participants of the course shows its effectiveness and students’ motivation to improve their communicative foreign language competence, resulting in their average score increased from 3.92 to 4.11 points.References
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