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freely redistributable software products
machine translation

How to Cite

O. L. Bashmanivskyi, A. V. Usatyi, N. M. Diachenko, and V. V. Khalin, “PECULIARITIES OF TRANSLATION SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES’ ANNOTATIONS WITH THE HELP OF FREELY REDISTRIBUTABLE SOFTWARE PRODUCTS”, ITLT, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 198–210, Feb. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v69i1.2310.


The article analyzes the peculiarities of translation scientific articles’ annotations with the help of freely redistributable software products, in particular Google Translate and which are the most popular in Ukraine. Universal characteristics for this type of texts, compositional structure and methods of their lexical and grammatical design, as well as the possibility of translating into English, both with the help of free software products and professional translators have been determined. It is established that the annotation accelerates the work with the text, as it includes the brief content of the text itself and helps to determine the further work with it. Thanks to the annotation, the reader will be familiar with the subject matter of the text, its relevance and the main idea. It has been found out that by creating the text of the annotation, the author of the scientific publication himself, in his own discretion, determines its relevance, novelty, and also the volume of cognitive information necessary in his opinion sufficient for the future reader of this scientific product. The scientific and technical vocabulary of the annotation serves for the most accurate description and explanation of certain facts, therefore nouns, adjectives and impersonal forms of the verb predominate in it, and the personal forms of the verb are more often used in the passive state. The annotation should be translated in English with the preservation of the relative equality of the content, semantic, stylistic and functional-communicative information contained in the original and the translation, at the same time a certain evidence, reasoning is required. Translation of annotations is a quite difficult long-term process, in the case of misunderstanding the content of the annotationor ignorance of scientific and technical terminology it may occur distortion of the content of the article. Scientific and technical translation does not tolerate the duality of the content and distortion of the terms used. The scientific style of the annotation has its own characteristics and the translation from Ukrainian into English requires the translator to correlate grammatical constructions and lexical material of one language to another, taking into account the features of the scientific style as a whole. It should be noted that for now the machine translation system is playing only a supporting role and allows to translate satisfactorily only simple syntactic and lexical constructions.
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