One of the ways to solve the problem of preparing competitive graduates of the University is to create an effective information and educational environment. At the present stage, such an environment should include the means of realization of educational, scientific and management activities; support environment for collective and individual communication; objects of educational activity and interaction; training platforms and security tools. Taking into account the requirements for ensuring not only the functioning but also the system development of the university, the general principles of management and the principles of the development of educational systems as the guiding principles of designing the information and education environment we are guided by the principles: system approach; modular structuring of information and data; modifications, addition and permanent updates; adequacy; providing the necessary and sufficient information; sharing data. A prerequisite for the creation of the university's information and educational environment is the availability of electronic content, technologies and the electronic communication of all participants in the educational process. Modeling a qualitative and effective information and educational environment is possible only with the development of all its components - managerial, content, organizational, technological. To the managerial component, we include educational policy, management standards and electronic control that perform planning, organizational, motivational and controlling functions. The semantic component includes scientific, educational, controlling and information and methodological resources that are aimed at providing cognitive, creative and value functions. Organizational component contains, respectively, the organizational structure, normative base, corporate standards and performs the integration, systematization and information functions. In the technological component, we allocate centralized and decentralized services, which are aimed at implementation of modeling, productive and instrumental functions. An example of designing such a model is an effective information and educational environment aimed at training competitive specialists at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.References
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