In the article the problem of teachers’ professional and pedagogical self-realization in establishments of postgraduate pedagogical education by means of information and communication technologies is highlighted. It is substantiated the actuality of creation and introduction the distance special course «The peculiarities of teacher’s professional and pedagogical self-realization in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education by means of information and communication technologies» in the educational process of postgraduate pedagogical education establishments. On the basis of analysis of research works, synthesis of educational ideas, generalization of own experience of pedagogical work the oriented plan of the special course is presented. The authors describe the information filling of the thematic modules of the distance special course. It is pointed out that the efficiency of introduction and usage of the distance special course in educational practice of postgraduate pedagogical education establishments depends on the level of teacher’s pedagogical education, as well as their information and communication competency. The attention is stressed on the combination of theoretical, practical tasks, and also tasks that have creative character. It is noted that distance special course contains not only theoretical and practical contents, but questions for self-study and comprehension, tasks for self-examination and self-control. Learning the distance special course the great attention is paid to teachers’ individual independent work. It is substantiated an idea that the efficiency of introduction of the distance special course will depend on teachers’ initial knowledge on computer literacy, access to the Internet and necessary hardware. The article is interdisciplinary, so it has been written on crossing the problems in different spheres: pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, informatics.References
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