The article describes the use of electronic educational and methodological software packages (EEMSP) for improving the preparation of the cadets of Bogdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, specializing in "Philology" (humanities branch) for the first (Bachelor’s) level of higher education for final examinations. The content, tasks and peculiarities of using EEMSPs on such subjects as "General tactics", "History of wars, conflicts and protection of state borders", "Tactics of border guarding", "Border control, "Political and economic systems", "Radiation, chemical, biological protection of units", "Foreign language for special purposes"," Information technologies in translation", "Military translation"," Theory and practice of special translation" have been characterized in detail. Particular attention is paid to the structure and development of electronic teaching and methodological support for such complex disciplines as "Operational-service application and management of the actions of state border guard units" (OSAMASBGU) and "Major foreign language" for final evaluation of the cadets of the foreign languages and humanities faculty, which allowed to provide systematic presentation of educational material, effective use of knowledge bases, possibility of making fast information search, conscious involvement of students in self-education. Dynamic analysis of the results of graduation examinations of future border guard officers has shown that due to the use of the EEMSPs on the above-mentioned disciplines in the educational process of the border institution of higher learning, both the quality of knowledge and average score of students increased significantly. Thus, the quality of knowledge of future border guard officers taking state examination on "OSAMASBGU" has increased by 12.25%, and on "Major foreign language" - by 15.13% for the period of four years, respectively. The average score also became higher: according to the results of the examination on "OSAMASBGU" - by 0.23 for the cadets who used EEMSPs during preparation for the final examinations, and for the subject of "Major foreign language" - by 0.18, respectively.References
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