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information and communication technologies
foreign language education
Μοοdle platform
distance learning
Greek Open University

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The article is devoted to the coverage of theoretical and practical experience of using ICT in the process of teaching foreign languages in universities of Ukraine and Greece. Educational electronic foreign language resources (information and reference materials, e-books, films on DVD, libraries of electronic visual aids and databases, methodical materials on electronic media, Internet resources, combined electronic teaching aids, educational and methodical software to support lectures) are classified. The authors singled out the most recent forms of teaching (distance learning, on-line learning with the interactive elements), types of educational activities (work with audio, video, making presentations, work with computer training programs, electronic communication) and teaching aids (audio recordings, video films, multimedia presentations, computer programs, e-books, textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources, e-mail, Skype, virtual learning environments, blogs, forums), based on ICTs that are actively engaged in teaching in the native and Greek higher educational institutions. The emphasis is focused on the advantages of distance learning technologies in the process of learning foreign languages (constant access to information, significantly lower cost of training course, the possibility of consulting with a teacher at the convenient time, increasing the role and enlarging the proportion of student’s self-work, etc.), on the features of work on Moodle platform. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of the activity of the Greek Open University with a distance learning form, in particular to the description of the master's program for the teachers of English "Didactics of English as a Foreign / International Language". The perspectives of using pedagogically valuable experience of Greece in the use of ICT in national higher education of foreign languages have been outlined.
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