The article describes the theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of a structural-processual model for the development of information and communication competency of future specialists in preschool education. It consists of a set of interconnected blocks (methodological, target-oriented, operational, and productive). The model has been implemented at the information-orientated, cognitive-developmental, activity-transformational and creative stages. The authors identify that at the information-orientation stage prospective specialists of preschool education acquire theoretical knowledge that reflects their awareness of information and communication technologies and scientific and methodological bases of implementation the latter in kindergartens. It is emphasized that the cognitive development stage involves intensive creation of knowledge and skills for searching, processing, transmission and preservation of information that forms the information and communication basis for future professional activity in a kindergarten due to introduction of the educational discipline "ICT in working with children” into the university curricula of preschool specialists’ training. At the activity-transformation stage, there is greater involvement of students in individual and collective educational and research activities using computer software. It allows to visualize information figuratively and vividly both during preschool specialists’ training and while working with preschool children. At the creative stage, the development of information and communication competency of future preschool teachers involves testing of the acquired experience on using ICT during the teaching practice in a kindergarten. The article presents scientific considerations of the national and foreign scholars on the essential characteristics of the concept "information and communication competency". Terminological analysis of the concepts of "modeling" and "model" has been carried out.References
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