The most critical global security threats in the information sphere are analyzed in the article, and, as a result, it was made a conclusion about the increasing of information confrontation and infiltration of tension in relations between countries. This situation requires a new qualitative approach to IT specialists’ training, focusing their attention primarily on the practical plane in the field of information and cyber security, and taking into account the most relevant expertise that a future specialist should receive in the field of cyber security. To solve this problem, the most important priority areas for the training of such specialists are identified in the article. According to the results of the analysis of Ukrainian legislation in the field of information and cyber security, as well as the typical cyber security plan of the NATO, examples of models of training competencies for the national cyber security system are proposed in the article. Considering that the main subjects of the national system of cyber security in accordance with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine are the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, intelligence agencies and the National Bank of Ukraine, the models of professional competences of the employees/personnel of these organizations training, agreed with the tasks entrusted to these structures, are proposed in the article. As a result, the proposed models of professional competences may be the basis for the development / improvement of educational programs and curricula for training specialists in the field of cyber security, especially at the first, Bachelor’s level of higher education, and may become the basis for adjusting the relevant standard agreed in 2017 by the national Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. In the future, the creation of new standards for cyber-security, both in the second (master's) and in the third (educational-scientific) levels will be promoted.References
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