The article contains the analysis of the the significance of the information and creative environment for the professional-creative self-realization of a specialist in musical art. It has been emphasized that the implementation of information and communication technologies in the process of preparing future specialists in the field of music art in the system of continuous artistic education is one of the important factors in enriching their professional and personal experience. The purpose of informatization of the permanent system of artistic education is to increase the efficiency of learning through the information enlargement and the improvement of its methods of application, as well as the focus on the use of information technology in the educational process of higher education and professional activities. It is noted that the reorientation of modern artistic education from discrete to permanent requires the development and experimental testing of new forms of didactic interaction with musical and pedagogical workers, aimed at creating a positive motivation of specialists in musical art until the acquisition and improvement of informational competencies, continuous improvement of professional and personal experience and professional skill based on self-education activities. It is proved that expediency and efficiency of information technologies in art education are closely connected with the notion of information culture. The essential component of the information culture of a music teacher is the ability to use information and communication technologies effectively both in the musical and educational process and in the process of self-education and self-improvement. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that the creation of an innovative information and creative educational environment in a higher educational establishment depends largely on an innovative climate, the characteristics of which are often crucial for the realization of innovative goals.References
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