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Digital Competency Framework
digital competence
information and communication technologies
educational standards
learning outcomes
digital educational environment
digital competence level

How to Cite

O. O. Hrytsenchuk, I. V. Ivaniuk, O. Y. Kravchyna, I. D. Malytska, O. V. Ovcharuk, and N. V. Soroko, “EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE OF THE TEACHERS’ DIGITAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN EDUCATIONAL REFORMS”, ITLT, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 316–336, Jul. 2018, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v65i3.2387.


The characteristic of teachers’ digital competence development is done from the scope of New Ukrainian School reform and modern European tendencies. The digital competence development trends and the requirements existent among the international educational practitioners are highlighted. The tendencies to the learning outcomes description are revealed on the basis of the European Digital Competence Framework 2.0 and Digital Competence Framework 2.1. The experience of the in-service teacher training in the sphere of information and communication technologies in the European Union countries is described. The resources of the digital educational school environment used in the modern system of in-service training of teachers are analyzed. The place of the in-service curriculum for teachers in the sphere of ICT in European countries (Great Britain, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, Netherlands, and Slovenia) is revealed. The educational digital resources and platforms used for the in-service training of teachers in European countries as well as educational professional networks and communities are characterized. The strategy of the European educational policy of ICT using in the educational process in order to improve the teachers’ classroom activity and professional development is described through the requirements for the teachers’ digital competence level improvement. The investigation is the result of the common research of authors’ team in the framework of the scientific topic “The development of teachers’ information and communication competence in the framework of the cloud computing education networks”.
PDF (Ukrainian)


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