The article deals with the problem of using electronic library resources in higher educational establishments, discloses the main directions of application of the relevant digital resources and provides methodological recommendations. The actuality of using electronic libraries with the purpose of raising the qualitative level of professional education of students of philology and their scientific activity is substantiated. The essence of the concept "electronic library" is specified. On the basis of analysis of scientific works, synthesis of educational and methodological ideas, generalization of own experience of pedagogical work, the state of use of electronic libraries in the professionally oriented preparation of future language teachers is clarified, conditions of effective use of resources of electronic libraries in the professional training of future language teachers are determined. The analysis of the use of resources of electronic libraries for support of studies and researches of students of philology has been analyzed. In this context the results of the survey and questioning of students of philology about the activity and efficiency of using the resources of electronic libraries in the educational process are described. It is empirically confirmed that the integration of digital resources of electronic libraries into the traditional system of education of philologists contributes to the increase of internal motivation for learning, activation of independent informative and cognitive activity of students, formation of key and professional competencies. It is emphasized that the efficiency of working out of the resources of electronic libraries in the professional training of future language teachers depends on the level of ICT competence of students and teachers. The prospects for studying the problem of using the resources of electronic libraries as a necessary tool for updating the content and technologies of professional training of students of philology have been determined.References
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